ISSN 2227 – 470X (PRINT) :: ISSN 2319 – 247X (ON LINE)


SJR (SCOPUS): 0.23

NAAS SCORE (2024): 6.10


Exploratory Animal and Medical Research considers only original articles submitted exclusively to the journal. Prior and duplicate publications are not allowed. Publication of abstract/s at conference proceedings will not be considered as prior publication. The authors must inform the editor about all submissions that might be regarded as prior or duplicate publications during the submission of the manuscript.

Manuscripts for publication will be considered on their merits. All manuscripts will be subjected to peer-review. As it is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, in no case identity of the reviewers can be disclosed to the authors of published or rejected articles. The reviewers are sent the articles in MS WORD after deleting all such information related to the identity of the author/s. Normally, manuscripts will be sent to at least two reviewers and their comments along with the editorial board’s decision/ comments will be forwarded to the authors for further action.

Authors must be careful when they reproduce text, illustrations, or tables from other sources. Any sort of plagiarism will be viewed seriously. All accepted papers are subject to editorial changes. The Editorial Board reserves the right to cancel any article at any stage if any sort of violation of publication ethics is found.



For Editors:
The Chief Editor, Editor, Associate Editors, and the Editorial Board Members do not discriminate against any article on the grounds of gender, sex, religious or political beliefs, or ethnic origin of its authors. All the articles are considered and accepted based only on academic merit. In case of any raised complaint, the author/s will be informed the whole matter will be investigated on an unbiased basis and appropriate steps will be taken.

For Reviewers:
As the journal is a double-blind peer review type, all the correspondence between the Editorial Board and the Reviewers regarding the evaluation of the articles (both selected and rejected articles) should be confidential. No copy should be retained by the reviewers and the manuscripts should be reviewed only with academic analysis promptly. Similarity with any published article/s, plagiarism, ethical permission for animal/ human experimentation, potential conflict of interest, and any other related information should be brought to the notice of the Editor if identified.

For Authors:
All the records related to the data associated with the submitted manuscript should be kept ready and part of these should be supplied to the editor on reasonable request. These may be preserved in a repository of the funding agency or other interested agencies for further use.

The author/s should be confirmed that the submitted manuscript is not under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere. If any portion/s of the content of the submitted article overlaps with published or submitted content, it should be properly cited and acknowledged. It is better to provide the editor with a copy of any submitted manuscript that might contain overlapping or closely related content. The author should confirm that all the works stated in the submitted manuscript are original and all reproduced portions are properly cited and acknowledged. Permission for such reproduction, if needed, should be taken before submission of the article and signing of the declaration form.

The journal publishes articles having experimentation on humans and animals. So, it insists on ethical practices in both human and animal experiments. Evidence for approval by a local Ethical Committee must be supplied by the authors on demand. Animal experimental procedures should be as humane as possible and the details of anesthetics and analgesics used should be clearly stated. The ethical standards of experiments must follow the guidelines provided by the ICMR (human) and CPCSEA (animal) in India. The same type of permission should be taken from the concerned authorities of the concerned countries by the authors.

The journal will not consider any ethically unacceptable paper. A statement on ethics committee permission must be included in all articles with human or animal experimentation under the ‘Materials and Methods’ section.

Conflicts of interest, if any, should be declared by the author/s during the submission of the article. The author/s must notify promptly the journal authority if any significant error is identified after the publication of their article. The author/s has to cooperate with the editor to publish an erratum, addendum, or corrigendum notice, or to retract the paper, where this is deemed necessary.


The authors are advised to download the PDF of the sample article and prepare the manuscript accordingly. No article can be accepted if not prepared and submitted as per journal style. It should be submitted in MS Word Document in Times New Roman Script at 11 font size for the text and font size 10 for other sections.

Submission of an article is understood to imply that
i. Permission of institutional/Governmental/other appropriate ethical committee/bio-safety committee/ body etc. is taken for study on animal or human beings.

ii. All the financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations related to the study are properly acknowledged and disclosed.

iii. All the authors have approved the paper for release and agree with its content.

iv. All articles are free from any sort of conflict of interest of any person or organization.

v. The article is only submitted to Exploratory Animal and Medical Research for possible publication.

Authors have to follow the style of the journal strictly during the preparation of the manuscript. One sample
article is attached for that purpose.


The journal authority declares special issues on important and specified topics from time to time. Experts in the relevant field act as guest editors of these issues. The authors have to submit their articles directly to the specified e-mail of the special issue as advertised, following the same guidelines as for normal submissions. Afterward, all the articles are processed like those submitted online.

Review Process
The journal follows a double-blind peer review process. The decision of the Editorial Board about acceptance or rejection is final and no correspondence will be entertained regarding the subject.

The Editorial Board keeps the right to reject any article at any stage before publication, even after acceptance, without assigning any reason

Plagiarism policy
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research considers all the researchers who want to submit an article as honest enough to show due respect to the previous workers and to cite their works properly during the writing of the article. However, if any violation of the plagiarism rule is found, the article will be rejected at any stage, even after acceptance and the authors will be blacklisted.


It is mandatory to furnish the following certificate at the time of submission of the manuscript for publication:

This is to certify that the reported work in the paper entitled “………………………………….” submitted for publication in EXPLORATORY ANIMAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH is an original one and has not been published/submitted to any Journal. I / We further certify that proper citation to the previously reported work has been given and no data/tables/figures have been quoted from other publications without giving proper acknowledgment. The consent of all the concerned authorities is also taken.

Signature with full name, address, and e-mail of the author/s.

The PDF copy of the signed document is to be submitted along with the submission of the manuscript.

Full name, present designation, e-mail address, and mobile phone number of at least three (3) potential reviewers are to be added during the submission of the article.

The authors have to submit articles online following the instructions given in the “Article Submission” page.  

Copy of the published article:

As the journal is displayed on our free, open-access website, no hard copy is sent to the author of the published article. However, publication information will be sent to the corresponding author through e-mail so that the PDF of the article can be downloaded. If the author/authors want to get a print copy, they have to pay accordingly.

Repository Policy:

The authors can deposit all versions of their work in any institutional or other repository of their choice.



All communications are to be performed following the original article submission link of the e-mail. In case of any emergency, you may contact the editor of the journal.



Chief Editor/ Associate Editors
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research
West Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association
37, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Belgachia, Kolkata – 700 037.
West Bengal, India.

Dr. Diganta Pan (Mobile: 07550882101)
Dr. Abhijit Nandi (Mobile: 09536788580)
Dr. Sharadindu Shil (Mobile: 9007930227)
