Exploratory Animal and Medical Research (ISSN 2277 – 470X for print and ISSN 2319 – 247X for online version) is a double blind peer reviewed, bi- annual journal published on behalf of West Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association, West Bengal, India. The journal publishes information relating to Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Medical Sciences, Public health, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Fishery Sciences, Biomedical and related research works.
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research always consider only the quality of research depict in the submitted article. It took a very brief period for taking decision regarding acceptance of submitted articles. As a part of double blind peer review process, the decision of the reviewers is considered final. Researchers working in the related fields can utilize this unique platform for publication of their research paper.
The journal is Included in the Thomson Reuters Master Journal List ( and Considered as “Emerging Sources Citation Index – Veterinary Sciences Journal list” (ESCI) of Thomson Reuters (
The journal does not charge the authors in any name like article submission or article processing charges. It demands no charge from the readers and researchers for full text download of published articles.
Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first
publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open
access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution, in educational and
other non-commercial settings. Articles are published under the CC BY NC license
and that by submitting their article, authors agree to use of this license.
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The journal is displayed in the free, open access website Print copies are made for distribution among the members of West Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association with annual/life membership charges.
Annual subscription charge for non members:
INR 2000.00 for India.
USD 100.00 for outside India.
INR 500.00 for India.
USD 50.00 for outside India.
All the information and opinions published in Exploratory Animal and Medical Research reflect the views of the authors only. In no case the journal or its Editor in Chief, Associate Editor, Editorial Board or its publisher organization have any sorts of responsibility regarding the subject.